Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

One Hit Kill Untuk Hunting House
1. Masuk ke Ninja Saga agan Masing-masing
2. Setelah Masuk Biarkan dulu si BOS
menyerang Kita gan
3. Buka CE Cheat Engine Pilih Bytes 8 Bytes
4. Masukan Jumlah DARAH si bos itu di
KOTAK Scan [Mana saya tahu jumlah darah
BOS HUNTING HOUSE] tenang nih ada
Jumlah darahnya gan.

5. First SCAN GAN cari adress yang
VALUEnya sama dengan Jumlah darah YANG
agan SCAN tadi gan double klik
6. Lalu jangan anda ganti dulu Value si bos
coba anda Attack dulu.
7. Setelah di attack si BOS nya silahkan
anda ganti VALUENYA menjadi "0"
8. Attack sekali lagi dan taraaa SI BOS K.O
dah di jaminpuass...
[7293 - ginkotsu]
[12760 - shikigami yanki]
[ 27950 - gedo sessho seki]
[12052 - wind tengu]
[15819 - fire tengu]
[75816 - byakko]
[90720 - ape king]
[132800 - battle turtle]


Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Express yourself with the Blogger Template Designer

by Siobhan Quinn, Blogger Product Manager

We’re thrilled to announce that the Blogger Template Designer has launched to Blogger in Draft, our experimental playground where users can try out Blogger’s latest features. The Template Designer brings a new level of customization to your blog. Take a look:In the Template Designer, you’ll find:
  • 15 new professional templates to start from (and more on their way)
  • Custom blog layouts with one, two and three columns
  • Hundreds of professional background images from iStockphoto
  • Customizable colors, fonts, and more!
We have more details and tips in our Blogger Template Designer post on the Blogger in Draft blog.

We worked with iStockphoto, the leading microstock image marketplace, to put together a great collection of beautiful images and patterns to use as backgrounds on your blogs. The photos are stunning, and are free to use on your Blogger blog.

That being said, today’s launch is just the beginning. We’ll add more of our own designs over the coming weeks and months and, through the new Template Design Group, we’ll be working with members of the Blogger design community to bring their templates into the new Template Designer.

Help test drive the Blogger Template Designer by logging into Blogger In Draft, and learn more about the new features in more detail on the Blogger In Draft blog.

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Download Cheat Engine
January 30 2011:the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)
For those that are getting the above error download the Visual C++ 8 redistributable. It is used by the lua dll's that CE makes use of.
January 10 2011:Cheat Engine 6.0 Released:
It has taken a while but the wait has been worth it: Cheat engine 6.0 has been released
It's not only a new version with some new features, but a complete port from Delphi to Freepascal/Lazarus with support for 64-bit
Of course, some features could not get implemented in this new version just yet, like the directx mess and trainer creator, but they are planned to come back in the next versions. If you need to use them, just use Cheat Engine 5.6.1 instead(Check the download page if you need it). And other features have just been stripped because they where useless (hyperscan)
Of course, new stuff has been added like the VEHDebugger, improved pointerscan speed, ability to compare to the values of a saved scan, advanced scripting, etc...etc...etc...

If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them. If you don't I can't fix/improve Cheat Engine
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